“Open Space”

In the Felixstowe Mission Area, during the months of August and September we are meeting in the garden at Kirton Chapel for Worship at 4pm each Sunday.

So far, we have engaged with a “Birds of the Bible worship station experience” and a Garden Holy Communion (following social distancing guidelines).

Plans are in place for this coming Sunday’s Worship (16th) to use postcards from the Methodist Art Collection, as a means of meditation, again followed by Holy Communion.

The pandemic is forcing us to make use of outside space in a more extensive way.

Mr. Wesley’s preachers, of course and both Wesley brothers preached “outside”.

At the present time it is much safer to gather in the open air but, in so doing we are “going back to our Methodist roots.”

This short thought for the day is a challenge to us all to see how we might use our own gardens and our Church gardens for Mission and Outreach.

Please share your stories.

A Prayer

O Lord our God maker of the universe, creator of this world.
Help us we pray, to use the open spaces with have been blessed with to your glory.
Inspire us by your Spirit to be creative in our outreach and care of others.
Open our hearts and minds more fully to your living presence.
Broaden our understanding of the Good News held out to all in Christ,
so that we see its rich potential in new faces and new places.
