“The Big Issue”

This week I was delighted to see Leanne (not the Vendors real name) back , selling the “Big Issue” in Felixstowe. She and many others in similar situations have had a very tough time during lockdown. Not all “Big Issue” vendors have been able to return to work at once.  Health issues mean some are shielding as areas of the country may be subject to localised lockdown restrictions. The “Big Issue Foundation” has been supporting Vendors who need help during lockdown.

Vendors buy the Big Issue Magazine for £1.50 and sell it for £3.  The difference is their income. We can support the wonderful work of the “Big Issue”, which prevents so many people from falling into debt and poverty in a number of different ways. We can buy the “Big Issue” from our local Vendor.   We can subscribe to the “Big Issue” or buy a copy every Thursday in WHSmith,  Co-Op or Sainsburys.  The “Big Issue” can also be downloaded at App Store and Google.

I find it to be a very informative read. In this week’s edition, for instance, there is a very insightful article written by Jimmy McGovern, who was asked by murdered black teenager Anthony Walker’s mother to write about Anthony and how his life might have turned out had he lived. You may have seen the very moving and challenging result of Jimmy McGovern’s work in the acclaimed programme “Anthony” screened on TV last week and available on Catch-Up/iPlayer etc.

Another key article concerns “The Ride Out Recession Alliance” and their work in protecting vulnerable individuals and families from being evicted.  Also, in this week’s addition is a handy guide on how to Fix Your Sewing Machine, and a recipe for Fish Pie.  There is a wonderful interview with Ali Smith who has just published the last of her four books, (Summer) in her seasonal quartet.  Brilliant books all reflecting the times we are living in but offering hope.

If you have never read the Big Issue, I whole heartedly recommend it.  It frequently inspires and informs my own prayer time and service preparation.

As Christians, the Bible is our first reference, but we do need to engage deeply with social issues. Buying the “Big Issue” can be fruitful in a variety of different ways.

Are there other regular publications that you would recommend to other Christians? 

A Prayer

Loving God,
Who hears the cry of all who are oppressed?
Help us to both hear and to act justly in your name and for your glory. 