“Different gifts”

Thought for the day – Friday 31st July 2020

There is a poster on the wall our study that says “Dear God as I’m the littlest in the gang can
you stop everybody else growing until I catch up” Those of you who know me will know why I like it.

Having said that, over recent weeks and the situations we have experienced and the journey
we have all been on, and indeed continue to travel on, shows us very clearly that nothing
stands still for very long, if at all.

What has been so moving is the way that people have risen to the challenge in so many
situations, trying new things, revisiting old hobbies & skills that had got rusty over time.

I guess we have all learnt new things in recent weeks to a lesser or greater extent .
Speaking personally, as someone who loves doing woodwork and DIY, more time has
allowed me to enjoy that in a way I haven’t done for some time.

While doing this I was reminded of some verses from Romans Ch12 vv 6-8
We have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If a person’s gift is prophesying,
let them use it in proportion to their faith. If it is serving let them serve: if it is teaching let
them teach, if it is encouraging let them encourage, if it is contributing to the needs of others
let them give generously, if it is leadership let them govern diligently, if it is showing mercy
let them do it cheerfully.

We have all seen and experienced countless examples of this happening over recent weeks
which has led to new things happening and finding new ways of doing familiar things

As things hopefully move forward may we continue in this way working together for the
common good accepting what we are and reminding ourselves that we all have a role to