Thought for the day – Wednesday 5th August 2020
There was an article in the Daily Telegraph about a month ago about balancing each day. It said that there was almost nothing more calming than creating a balance when you plan your daily activities. Life will then seem more purposeful and organised.
Balance is created in a number of ways; physical activity followed by relaxation, talking to a friend followed by down time.
First, be sure to do something you already do – playing the piano, morning prayer and just talking to God, solving a sudoku (not necessarily in that order). Secondly, do something entirely for your own satisfaction then, balance it with an act of giving, such as calling someone you know is feeling lonely or someone you have not spoken to for a while.
One of the advantages of lockdown is that many of us have had the time and opportunity of reassessing our busy lives and getting more of a balance in them. We are not just decluttering our cupboards, but also our day to day lives.
Some of us are enjoying our gardens, the flowers and the birds, all God’s creation. Some maybe reading, doing jigsaws or watching television more, and so relaxing and recharging our batteries from the stresses of life around us.
As a result, let us spend more time talking to God so he can help us in our reassessment and balancing our days and lives.