
Thought for the day – Thursday 30th July 2020

Recently I made a trip to the recycling centre ( formerly known as “the tip”).  I had a long, long wait – it seems as though everyone has been using the time of lockdown to clear out their cupboards and garages! While I waited, I marvelled at the ways in which these places have changed over the years. My early memories are of opening the boot and just piling everything on to a large heap of assorted rubbish. Now, it’s a case of carefully sorting the different types of unwanted “stuff” – paper, garden refuse, glass, textiles, wood…….    and so on. 

It’s good to know that we are becoming much more conscious of our environment, good to know that we are looking for ways in which we can recycle. We know that we need to conserve our resources for future generations. 

Through all of this, I’m constantly amazed at the ways in which the goods which I thought were useless can be sorted and made into something worthwhile – maybe you enjoy watching TV programmes which demonstrate this. Not only does this remind me that we are all responsible for being good stewards of this world – it also helps me to remember that although human beings sometimes struggle to know what their purpose is in life, each and every one of us does have a purpose in God’s eyes. 

The Bible tells us that God loves every one of us , even if we are unaware of that love. We are all precious to God, and sometimes we need to be the one to tell another person just how much they are valued, how much they are loved.