Darwin’s Dilemma – DVD Review

Darwin’s Dilemma  dvd  Illustra Media 72 minutes 0 467 106 309  Available for purchase or on You Tube

According to a leading palaeontologist the Cambrian explosion caused Charles Darwin more grief than joy. Nothing distressed him more.

With graphic detail, this dvd examines what is, without doubt, one of the most spectacular events in the history of life on earth – the Cambrian explosion – the appearance of fully formed life forms with no sign of predecessors. The absence of transitional forms is a serious puzzle for some scientists.

Darwin viewed it as an inexplicable mystery since it presented a fundamental and, at the time, unanswerable challenge to his theory of the origin of species.

More than a century later, the mystery and challenge still remain.

In this film some scientists and scholars exploit the Cambrian explosion to present evidence for special creation, ie the work of a Creator and for intelligent design as against random evolution by natural selection. Purposeful design versus chance.

This dvd offers a responsible and balanced presentation of the implications for creation of the Cambrian explosion while the graphics, including many animated reconstructions, are impressive in their own right.