“Wish list”

I suppose most of us has a secret “wish list”.  Some things on it may never come to fruition, but occasionally one of our wishes may come true.

It happened to me some time ago.  On my wish list was that I would long to be in Rome on Easter Saturday to see all the preparations for the visit of the Pope on Easter Sunday.

Well, one day my daughter telephoned us to say that a cruise ship was going to the Mediterranean and it was actually going to call at the port nearest to Rome on Easter Saturday.  Imagine my surprise and delight.  So, the four of us booked our cabins and in due course we sail from Harwich calling at Portugal and Spain on the way.

Eventually we got to Rome and it was a day to remember.  In the morning we went to see the paintings in the Sistine Chapel.  We would have like to stay longer to gaze upwards but because of the crowds they kept us moving along.

We then went through St. Peter’s Basilica where the Pope would deliver his message the next day, and then the crowds were dispersed as the authorities prepared the square for the Easter Sunday crowds.

In the afternoon we went to the Colosseum and it was whilst we were there we had a violent rainstorm.  We all scattered to find shelter and our group was dispersed.  The heavy downpour was soon over and we tried to find each other.  But I couldn’t find anyone in our group and suddenly I realized that I was lost in a country I didn’t know, a language I couldn’t speak and no money in my pocket.  We were in contact with each other through our earphones and I could hear the leader calling for me to come to the entrance.  But when I got there the entrance was being repaired and there were no workmen to ask where the temporary entrance was.  I was indeed lost and the experience was not a happy one.

Eventually two Italian policemen found me wandering about and they asked me if my name was Mr Sawyer and they took me to where our group were waiting.  Great was our rejoicing especially for Diana my wife.

I suppose during this lock-down we are in a way lost.  We are outside our comfort zone and we are not in control.  We long for the day when we shall “be found” and then there will be great rejoicing.

I was reminded of this experience during this morning’s service (21st June) when Rev Jane was talking about the lost son and great was the rejoicing when he was found safe and sound.  It was the same in the other parables that Jesus spoke about the lost coin (Luke 14).

So often we may feel lost but let us remember we are always found and loved by our Heavenly Father.