“God has a plan”

Thought of the day – Monday 15th June 2020

 “By the end of his life, musician Giuseppe Verdi was recognised as a master of dramatic composition. But he didn’t begin his career with such success. As a youth, he had obvious musical ability, but he was denied entrance to the Milan Conservatory because he lacked the required education and background.   Yet time does strange things. After Verdi’s fame had spread worldwide, the school was renamed the Verdi Conservatory of Music.   Verdi’s experience can remind us of the experience of our Lord and all who trust in Him.

The Son of God was rejected by His countrymen because they didn’t feel He had adequate training or the right family background (Matthew 13 v 53-58). Even though Jesus spoke the truth and His works spoke for themselves, He did not receive the recognition He deserved. Yet someday everyone will bow before Him and give Him the honour due His name (Phil. 2 v 9-11).   

All that we long to become will find fulfilment when we see Jesus.”  How many people are disappointed that the way they wanted their life to go didn’t happen? They may have failed exams as a child and didn’t get to attend the “right” school or they maybe didn’t get into their first choice of university. But how many of these same people went on to be hugely successful and happy with their lives?

God has a plan for us and we can depend on Him to always be with us even when things don’t go the way we expect them to. Once again we will be engaging in digital worship.

Please pray that God will enable all to know his presence, respond with thankful and trusting hearts and receive his words for their present circumstances. In Christ’s name we pray.

God bless, Anna.