Once saved, always saved ? – DVD Review

Once saved, always saved ? A study in perseverance and inheritance by David Pawson

dvd, 2011 80 mins. £9.99 to purchase : free to download and watch from davidpawson.org

book £8.99 ISBN 978 0 340 610 664

In this dvd, David Pawson (who went to be with the Lord recently, aged 90) addresses two questions, one specific, one general. With his accustomed calm and balanced approach to the exposition of Scripture, David deals with a question that frequently troubles Christians, especially those young in the faith – ‘Can I be sure of my salvation ?’ A helpful answer is given.

More specifically, and at greater length, he critiques the Calvinist teaching concerning the perseverance of the saints. Those who follow this teaching believe that if the Almighty, Sovereign God elects you to be among the chosen ones, nothing (including you) can change or modify His choice. Your eternal destiny is assured. That is what the perseverance of the saints means. You can never lose your salvation. Once saved, always saved – no question mark.

Incidentally, an interesting explanation of predestination is part of the teaching offered by the speaker.

David shows convincingly, with many references from the Bible (over 80 texts, he says), that it is possible to lose your salvation. The Calvinist approach is certainly reassuring and comfortable but is it true to Scripture ? That is the burden of this dvd.

Careful exposition of relevant Bible passages is a hallmark of David’s teaching (not forgetting his humour) and this dvd is a classic example.