
Thought for the day – Sunday 7th June 2020

Life can be a struggle at times, marked by pain, loss, grief, broken relationships and ill health. None of us can avoid all of these things because they are part of the journey. We would not be human if we didn’t feel desperate for help at times.

The wonder of our faith is that those moments are not times when we are hopeless or helpless. In fact it is the opposite, they are times of maximum power. We just don’t know it or feel it.

The message version of the bible translates Matthew 5:3 thus :

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope, with less of you there is more of God and his rule

When we can no longer stumble on in our own strength we have no choice but to kneel down and cry out. As people of faith, we are never taller than when we kneel down, less of us, more of him

Remember the poem about the footprints in the sand, when the writer was wondering why she only saw one set of footprints when she needed Jesus most. He replied “ Because it was then that I carried you”

In those times when we are aware of how desperately we need God, He is there, right beside us, He is the closest He can be when we really need him.