
We have had beautiful weather and I have walked five and six miles each day. I also have a front and back garden where I can sit. There is plenty of colour, insects, butterflies, and birds arguing who will have the first bath or drink in the morning to amuse me.

Yet I was feeling sorry for myself at not seeing friends, going for a coffee or to window shop.

This evening my young neighbour came and stood on the path to chat to me and ask how I am. He will be a teenager this year and cannot go back to school until September. He misses his friends though they talk on the phone and message each other in groups. I don’t understand all that, it’s too complicated for me!

But listening to him I thought to myself….. I’ve been sulking yet teenagers are dealing with not only the epidemic but also changes to their body. As well as missing out on their education at a vital time. It certainly is not a prolonged holiday for them but a very worrying time.

Maureen Brown