“Aldersgate Sunday”


I was planned to lead worship a Framlingham on Sunday and so I decided to put some thoughts on paper and online.

Sunday 24th May is Aldersgate Sunday the day when our founder, John Wesley, found his heart strangely warmed and he discovered the love of God. His ministry then took off and he set out to tell others about his faith going first to Kingswood School, near Bristol.  There he spoke to miners and other working people who did not go to the Church.  His ideas of working hard, saving and giving to charity made him enemies but the spread of Methodism was due to his constant travelling and speech making.  He used to get up at 4.00 a.m. and rode his horse reading as he went along.  In his lifetime he covered 250,000 miles on horseback and wrote 40,000 sermons.

He carried his Field Bible on all his journeys, and this is now a very treasured item which is handed to the new President of Conference every year – they then have to give it back for safekeeping!

It struck me that much of what our Circuit Ministers and Lay Employees and all those contributing to our Thought for the Day are doing is definitely following in John Wesley’s footsteps.

Many of our Lay Employees are Outreach Workers with some Pastoral Work.  They are communicating God’s love through zoom, online, delivery of items for messy church, holiday clubs, craft work, café, choirs in libraries, online ventures, etc.  Pastoral work is carrying on with telephone, letters and poems.

John Wesley broke with tradition and preached in the open air – our Ministers, Local Preachers and Lay Employees are now using modern technology to keep in touch and spread the love of God.  They are not preaching in the open air but using today’s method of spreading the love of God.

When all this lockdown is lifted, and we all feel “free” will we just revert to our previous way of life.  Many of us are enjoying listening to Sunday services in our own homes – will we want to go out in the rain and cold to go to a Church?  Or will we rejoice in a new way of “being Church”?

Where will we go from here?

Will we have the courage to embrace new ways?

Some thoughts to ponder……

A hymn for Aldersgate Sunday written by Andrew Pratt Green (tune StF 556(ii)), and still appropriate for today:

This day so strangely changed a man,
Whose heart was warmed by what he heard,
That from that moment all the world
Would echo to his word.

A man so certain of his cause,
So sure of what was wrong and right.
Who countered every change or chance
That might divert his sight.

A man compelled by God to preach,
To rake the cause of those condemned,
To love the poor, to plead their right,
And never to be stemmed.

Ride on, through all the world, ride on
And emulate your founder’s deeds,
Sing out with all your heart sing out
And meet the people’s needs.

As sure and certain of your God,
As diligent in praise and prayer,
Your main concern: the gospel theme,
The world your cause and care.

A prayer:

We pray for the Methodist Church founded by John Wesley that it may remain faithful to its calling to bring love to those it serves.  We pray for its Presbyters, Deacons, Local Preachers, Lay Employees and its congregations in this country and the world.
Grant to all your people boldness to proclaim your Word and rejoice in singing your praises in many new ways.
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.