“Life goes on”

Thought for the day – Thursday 21st May 2020

Based on the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1 verses 12 – 26

It was a sombre group that made their way from the Mount of Olives that day.   For the most part we walked along in silence, the events of the day at the forefront of our minds.   Normally there would have been a lot of banter between us, and talk of what had gone on earlier in the day, possibly of what Jesus had taught us.   But not today.   We made our way back to the upper room in Jerusalem where we had been staying.   What were we going to say to the friends who had remained behind that morning?  

We looked around at each other and tried to discern what other people were thinking.   None of us really wanted to do very much and so it was evening time when eventually we stopped for prayers.   I found it still very strange that Judas was not there.   I didn’t particularly get on with the man, but I was still taken aback by his actions in the Garden of Gethsemane.   How could he have done such a thing to Jesus?   I know I talked about it to Thomas and he was of the same mind – it was unbelievable and extremely wicked.

It was the following day before we started to get back to normal, although what would be normal now? There were about 120 of us now gathered together.   This included Mary, the mother of Judas and some other women who looked after the catering.   We were quite surprised that the brothers of Jesus had joined us, and moreover the fact that they joined in our discussions.   Don’t get me wrong, they were made very welcome.

   At one of our morning meetings it was Peter, who stood up and drew our attention to the fact that we were still one disciple short of the number chosen by Jesus and it was time to put it right.    So, it was agreed that the one chosen should be a person who had been a follower of the Master right from the beginning.   Two names came to mind – Joseph, also known as Barabbas and with the surname of Justus, and Matthias.   Peter then led us in a time of prayer.   “O Lord, who knows the hearts of all, show us which of these two you have chosen to take his place in this service and apostleship, from which Judas fell away and went to his own place.”

Following a time of quiet we then drew lots and the person elected to office was Matthias.   We all went to wish him well in this new position.   Then we went about the usual business of the day.   Now we were back to full capacity again, and I was very pleased with the outcome.

The mystery of the ascended Lord is a sign to us, that parting does not mean ending, that to be broken does not mean to be shattered, and that loss can be gain.
Thanks be to God.