“Just walk beside me”

A great philosopher and theologian said this:-

” Don’t walk behind me;
I may not lead.

Don’t walk in front of me;
I may not follow.

Just walk beside me 
And be my friend”

There are times for all of us ,perhaps highlighted during this pandemic, when we just need somebody to be our friend. Not necessarily to insist we take their advice, nor to keep pushing or prompting us to act in certain ways – but just to walk beside us.. Maybe to listen to us. 

People start to heal when they believe they are being heard.

It reminds me of Jesus walking besides the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  Listening to them and in effect being their friend.

Who can we be a friend to? Have we those who are a friend to us?

However alone we may feel at present we can be sure that Jesus is our friend-He referred to His first disciples as such:- ” You are my friends if you do what I command I no longer call you servants……Instead I have called you friends” ( John 15:14,15)

Jesus will walk beside us through whatever comes

Oh, the name of that philosopher/theologian – Winnie the Pooh of course!