Thought for the Day – Tuesday 5th May 2020
Bible verse 2 Corinthians 9 v 6
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously”
On a relative’s farm there were certain fields that he sowed by hand. He strapped on a canvas contraption that looked like a kangaroo’s pouch, filled it with seed and went out to sow the crop. He would cast seed everywhere. When a farmer sows seed in a field it looks like he’s throwing it away. It seems to be lost but it isn’t really gone. In due time he gets it back, with much more besides.
When we give ourselves to Christ it may seem to people as if we ‘re throwing our life away. But Jesus teaches us to measure our lives by losses rather than gains, by sacrifices rather than self-preservation, by time spent for others rather than time lavished upon ourselves, by love poured out rather than love poured in. When you grasp, you lose; when you give to God, you gain.
I grew up in the countryside and my uncles were farmers. As children we all helped with the work on the farm. I have actually used one of these seed planters. So lets sow the seeds of God’s love far and wide.I’m sure like me you must be horrified by the numbers of deaths in Nursing Homes. Can we pray for all the residents and the staff taking care of them. Also for all their relatives and friends who cannot visit which must be very confusing for a lot of patients. Lord, bring comfort and protection to all.
God bless, Anna.