“Feasting and Fellowship”

Thought of the day – Saturday 2nd May 2020


The Celtic Church held a lovely concern for the everyday.  God is present everywhere  if  we only take the trouble to look for him and listen to him.  They also used the Book of Psalms daily in their devotions.

This set of thoughts is inspired by acts of creation in the kitchen, for many of us the heart of the home.  God is there and speaks to us clearly, if we only listen.  Each thought is connected with a quotation from a Psalm as a starting point.

DAY SIX –  Feasting and Fellowship

Psalm  23 v. 5  You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.  You welcome me as a guest…..

There’s  lots of celebrating with food in Scripture.  The Prodigal Son is welcomed with a feast;  Jesus’ first miracle is changing water into wine at a wedding reception and so on.  This verse always reminds me of the George Herbert poem called simply “Love”.  If you’ve not read it, find it as part of your devotions today – it sums up so much of how God has prepared a banquet for all who yield to his forgiving grace.

  A treasured memory is of a dinner I prepared for a Speaker coming to our Christian Union while at University.  There would be five of us eating sausage casserole.  Then Harry, a reformed  drug addict newly converted to the Faith,  turned up from the nearby area with 2 friends in tow.  How the food for five stretched comfortably to eight struck me then as miraculous.  And what an unlikely fellowship we were!  A theologian/teacher of national repute, a few undergraduates in awe at the occasion and three ex-gang members from an inner city.  God not only provided for the meal, he gave us a unique gift of fellowship and sharing.  The story of feeding  5000 has had a special meaning for me  ever since!

Lord Jesus thank you that we can always count on you to provide for our needs.  Thank you for the Bible, the banquet of your word.  We praise you for your generosity and your love.

Today we pray for those struggling to get enough food.  We pray that they may be fed.  And we pray for those known to us, who do not know your word and who need spiritual food.  We also pray for a time when we may sit at your heavenly banquet and simply feed o n your presence, our Lord, Saviour and Friend.