“Listening to God”

Thought of the day – Wednesday 29th April 2020


The Celtic Church held a lovely concern for the everyday.  God is present everywhere  if  we only take the trouble to look for him and listen to him.  They also used the Book of Psalms daily in their devotions.

This set of thoughts is inspired by acts of creation in the kitchen, for many of us the heart of the home.  God is there and speaks to us clearly, if we only listen.  Each thought is connected with a quotation from a Psalm as a starting point.

DAY THREE – Listening to God

Psalm 25 vv. 4  & 5  Show me the path where I should walk ,O Lord;  point out the right path for me to follow.  Lead me by your truth and teach me.  For you are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in you.

It’s taken me years to get bread rolls right.  I’ve blamed  the  yeast, the  flour, the oven..you name it,  I’ve used it as an excuse.  This is also true for  Hot Cross Buns.  I’ve tried every recipe I own.  They’ve never been quite right. 

This year I did things differently.  I put away the cook books,  thought  through carefully all I had learned  over the years.  And I prayed.  We often think that this sort of prayer is not valued by God – that he hasn’t got the time and couldn’t possibly be interested.  How wrong we are.  God values all our prayers in every situation and will respond.  He is interested in us and in our lives and in the world around us.  But we have to listen and then we have to be prepared to be obedient to his will. For me this meant getting some very successful Hot Cross Buns this year, but then giving most of them away to neighbours  who will not have seen their family this Easter,  and needed to be aware of God’s love for them.  God answers prayer, but we need to listen to his answer and obey – that way the blessings flow

Father, your love is so wonderful and so complete; forgive us when we don’t listen to                 your message for us.  Give us the grace to listen and to hear what your will is for us.  May we have the courage and the love to obey your calling