
Thought of the day – Monday 27th April 2020


The Celtic Church held a lovely concern for the everyday.  God is present everywhere  if  we only take the trouble to look for him and listen to him.  They also used the Book of Psalms daily in their devotions.

This set of thoughts is inspired by acts of creation in the kitchen, for many of us the heart of the home.  God is there and speaks to us clearly, if we only listen.  Each thought is connected with a quotation from a Psalm as a starting point.

Day One – Waiting

Psalm 62 vv. 1 & 2   I wait quietly before God, for my salvation comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.

 Let’s be honest – we want and expect instant results; we’re not very good at waiting.  In the kitchen you often have to wait.  Yesterday  I was making Hot Cross Buns.  The yeast worked at its own pace – there was little I could do to make it work faster.  In fact if I tried to interfere too much I knew the results would be spoiled, and if I tried to cook the final result before the yeast had completed its work I’d be left with flatbreads not buns!

It’s taken years for me to learn to let the dough rise and prove in its proper time;  what works for one batch of  yeast might not work for this one.  Every part of God’s creation is unique as every batch of bread and buns is unique.  We need  to wait on God, for his timing to work in the kitchen as elsewhere.


Creator God.  We’re sorry for trying to force everything into our timescale and we’re sorry that we rush on without seeking an awareness of your  timing, your rhythms and your seasons.  We ask for the grace to do things your way because we love and trust you and want to do our best for you and the people we serve in your name. 