Easter People

Thought for the day – Sunday 26th April 2020

Brought to us by Derek Grimshaw

Jesus Barabbas

The lads were so pleased to see him that they were planning big celebrations, the worst crime any man can commit is being caught and when the Roman Army came for him, not only did he know that his days were numbered, but the lads who’d been with him over the last few years must have feared for their own lives as well.  They were a powerful team, they’d ambushed people and stolen from them, power was great and Barabbas had been the leader, he relished being a man that others feared, he loved being popular, the adrenalin coursing through his veins as they lay in wait for some unsuspecting victim.  Their lives never mattered to him, they were just people, nobodies and it had never bothered him whether they lived or died, so long as they surrendered their possessions to him and the lads so that they could share their trophies out, it was a living, it was what they did, they couldn’t think about the consequences, if they did, they might lose their nerve.

He sat now and looked at his hands, he could feel the splinters from the wood, sunk into his palms, the Romans were cruel, from the moment his collar had been felt, he knew what the outcome would be, crucifixion! He was a big, brave warrior, but he didn’t feel brave as he’d sat waiting.  To make matter worse, he had been forced to make his own cross, he’d never really done a hard day’s labour in his life, all he’d ever done was take what he wanted, he could feel even now the spears being prodded into his side as he’d struggled to make the cross, he didn’t like feeling powerless, he’d never spared a thought for his victims and he deserved this, but that didn’t mean he liked it, his back still hurt from the lashing and he could still feel the stickiness of the blood soaked into his top.  He could just about cope with the physical pain, it was the mental torture that had destroyed him, knowing that the two pieces of timber he was strapping together would be the place where he would breathe his final breath.  

He should be delighted now, but he didn’t feel like celebrating, this wasn’t victory, he pressed his back against the wall, hoping that somehow the physical pain could lessen the torture he was feeling, but it did no good.  He’d wondered what the guards were doing when they came and dragged him out of his cell, he could feel the his heart pumping in his chest as he was prodded, causing him to stumble, this was it, this was the moment that his life would come to and, this was about to be the ultimate pain, the ultimate humiliation.  He was the big man and he had to save face, he had look as though it didn’t matter.  He still couldn’t believe what had happened next, he found himself standing next to Jesus, the Galilean, he’d obviously received similar treatment, he looked dreadful, he was wearing a crown of thorns and blood trickled down his face, why was he here, he was a good man, what had he done wrong, was this a dream?

He couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the crowd shouting “free Barabbas” had all Jerusalem gone mad, he’d known for years that this was how his life would end, it came with the territory, it was the risk he’d taken “free Barabbas” they screamed! Then Pilate asked what they wanted him to do with Jesus “Crucify Him!” they yelled in one voice “Crucify him” Barabbas was a free man, he’d stood with the crowd watching as Jesus carried the cross he had made, he watched as they Nailed this holy and good man to his cross, Barabbas deserved this punishment, this Jesus of Nazareth didn’t.  He’d hidden in the background as the three men on the crosses died their agonising death, what did all this mean?

Now, a few days on, the word in Jerusalem was that this Jesus was now alive, if that was the case then he must be special, nobody survived crucifixion, he must be God, if that was the case, he, Jesus Barabbas an evil man had looked into the eyes of God! This innocent man, God incarnate had taken his place on the cross, he didn’t feel like partying, but instead fell to his knees, could God ever forgive him for everything he’d done? This Jesus had died in his place on the cross, life simply could never be the same again.

We often talk about Christ dying on the cross for our sins.  For Barabbas this was possibly true, there is some poetic licence in the story above, but it perhaps brings into focus what it means for Christ to die for our sins.

I believe that when we see the cross, we see a symbol of the greatest love humankind has ever seen, Jesus died in the place of Barabbas and in our place, reflect as an Easter person today, what that means to you.


If you have any contributions for thought of the day please email thought@methodistic.org.uk