Each morning we use a Prayer Card that provides a subject for each day of the week, so over a year we pray for each subject at least 52 times, One day of the week covers the subject of “Care for disabled and orphans” and includes the phrase “Disability is often seen as a curse in certain areas of the world”. One day, our Daily Bible Readings Notes referred to a Christian suffering from autism and enquiring about his role in the local church.
Although I never watched the TV programme entitled, “Does he take sugar?” I am frequently reminded of how easy it is to “ignore” someone with a disability. A friend of mine takes her husband shopping in a wheelchair, though he doesn’t – at first – appear to have any disability. When he has selected an item, she wheels him to the counter to pay and then walks away, otherwise, as she says, “They talk to me, not him”.
Many years ago, on a visit to Sizewell, our two-year-old granddaughter was with us and as we walked along a corridor this big, tall man came through the door, recognised her, and immediately crouched down to her level and chatted with her. We were so impressed that this young man showed us, by example, how to communicate with this small child. Instead of a large imposing figure, he stooped to her level and “enjoyed a chat”.
Jesus “stooped” to our level and I am often challenged as to how I should react in any situation, whether there is any disability – seen or unseen.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, when we are confronted by often unexpected situations, please help us to react in a way that is a demonstration of your influence in our lives. AMEN