Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Anna Porter
The following poem is by an unknown author.
The Crust: “Waste not-want not.”
I must not throw upon the floor
The crust I cannot eat,
There’s many a hungry little one
Would think it quite a treat.
My parents take the kindest care
To get me wholesome food,
And so I must not waste a bit
That would do others good.
The corn from which my bread is made,
God causes it to grow;
How sad to waste what He has given:
He would both see and know.
‘Tis wilful waste brings woeful want,
And I may live to say,
Oh, how I wish I had that bread
Which once I threw away.
I watched an article on television about Gaza (the 16th January). Aid lorries were being filmed driving into Gaza to distribute food. There were so many children scrambling and fighting each other to try and get a bowl of food. I try to be careful with my food and I don’t like waste but inevitably some will go off and have to be discarded. I feel guilty when I do this because when I think of all the people who are starving due to famine or war and I know that they would love to have what I throw away.
A prayer. Dear Lord, please help us to be careful with all the provisions You give us. Remind us to be generous to others who are suffering. Thank You for all Your creation.
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