In the last few days I have rediscovered the beauty of frost. Crunching my way in the semi darkness to an early breakfast meeting, the glittery sparkles of frost underfoot blew me away. It struck me that it was so much more beautiful even than newly laid untouched snow. When I looked at car rooves and windscreens again I was surprised at the feathery patterns and reminded that, when I was a girl, these could be seen on my bedroom window when I drew back the curtains.
However, not all windscreens had the patterns – some just a had plain white sparkly covering. So I looked into it. Apparently, the patterns are the result of very tiny imperfections in the glass, such as scratches or specks of dust and salt or even the residue from washer fluid. These variations in the surface affect the way that the ice crystals form and branch out, forming beautiful patterns.
Our lives are full of imperfections – some maybe not visible to most people, but we know they are there. But God can use even the scratches life brings us, the dust of life and experience, even the saltiness in the ups and downs of our Christian life and transform them into something beautiful for Him. Even the residue from our tears and heartbreak aren’t beyond His miraculous works.
It amazes me that God goes beyond the practical in nature and makes his creation not just functional, but beautiful. And why? To bring a smile on our faces. Just to show us that He loves us.