My mobile phone dictionary has several definitions for the word, “resolution” but the most relevant is “the act of determining”.
Around this time of the year, it was not unusual for someone to ask, “Have you made any New Year resolutions?” and some would list a few and others just one. For many years, mine was the same but in the end, I resolved not to make any more and life has been much easier since then.
Other people have used this period to undertake a spiritual audit, not just the daily need to keep short accounts with God but a general desire to seek what changes might help to improve a relationship with God – with others irrespective of relationships – of faith or none. Sometimes an annual audit will highlight issues that are not apparent when comparing one day to another. Self-examination is not easy but we are encouraged to do this before participating in the act of communion – 1 Corinthians 11 verse 28. But this is only part of the process. I recall being told, as a young man, that it is not just the need for the elimination of anything negative – in God’s sight – but having something positive to offer especially in moments of quietness.
There are several changes in my church life that I miss today, especially older Christians (of which I am now one) who would share their Christian experiences especially when their humanity would encourage me, because of mistakes I had made, and realising that such shortcomings were not unique to me.
To conclude, we have the example of the Lord Jesus as recorded in Luke chapter 9 verse 51 As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. So, whatever we may call our decisions for 2025 will we be aiming for an improvement in our walk with God?
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, today may be a good time to open ourselves to your divine audit, to listen and learn of Your will for us, and to respond to the guidance and encouragement of God the Holy Spirit. AMEN