Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 13th October 2024

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time               Year B                         13th October 2024.

Lectionary Readings:   Amos 5 v6-7, 10-15;   Psalm 90 v12-17;   Hebrews 4 v12-16;             Mark 10 v17-31.

Money can’t buy you love.

In Mark’s account of Jesus’ encounter with a rich man, Jesus acknowledges that the unnamed man is sincere in his desire for eternal life. The man had obeyed all the commandments of the ‘Law of Moses’ since his was a young man.

Jesus warms to the man, and recognising (presumably from his clothes and footwear) that the man had considerable wealth, Jesus said, “There is one thing you still need to do. Give the money to the poor and you will have riches in heaven. Then come with me.”  (Mark 10 v21b).

Jesus was asking him to give up his earthly riches in exchange for an everlasting loving relationship, one that can start here on earth as a disciple of Jesus.

Jesus was offering the rich man something that money cannot buy.

Mark records that “the man went away gloomy and sad because he was very rich”(v22).     

Jesus then reflects on the difficulties that wealth presents for those seeking to enter the kingdom of God. Wealth, status and power may make for a comfortable life on earth for a few, but it comes at the expense of the majority.

Life in God’s kingdom is very different. Jesus taught that a life motivated by love is the key to citizenship of the kingdom. In his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ (Matthew 5 v1-10) and in his reflection on ‘The final judgement’(Matthew 25 v31-46),  Jesus spells out the attributes of those who please God by their loving actions. They will live for ever in a loving family relationship with God. 

Marjorie Dobson reflects on this passage of scripture in her hymn ‘A rich young man came seeking’, quoted below: (From ‘Singing the Faith’ No. 243 v1, 4.)

A rich young man came seeking-
God’s kingdom was his aim.
The Law had been his guidebook.
His life was free from blame.
But Jesus asked for courage
to give his wealth away.
The young man turned in sorrow,
that price he would not pay.

Lord, keep our care of money
from turning into greed.
Help us to use it wisely
to meet each other’s need.
For whether poor or wealthy,
we have so much to share
and open hearted giving
will show your loving care.    

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.