Out of the mouths

I recall an occasion when preaching, and asked the listeners, “Why did God choose blood for the forgiveness of sin, and not some other method?”  This was at a church where even an “Amen” was seldom heard.

At the end of the service a young man, and a much younger Christian, shook my hand and said, “Leviticus 17.11”.  Rather than ignore his comment, on returning home I looked up the verse in a Schofield Reference Bible and the outcome has been a blessing for so much of my life. I hope, therefore, that the brief extract from that Bible may be of a blessing to readers today.

The value of the “life” is the measure of the value of the “blood.” This gives the blood of Christ its inconceivable value. It is not the blood in the veins of the sacrifice, but the blood upon the altar which is efficacious. The Scripture knows nothing of salvation by the imitation or influence of Christ’s life, but only by that life yielded up on the cross.

In Hebrews chapter 9 verse 22, the writer states. “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”

This extract from a Vineyard Music song reflects this –

It’s Your blood that cleanses me, It’s Your blood that gives me life

It’s Your blood that took my place, In redeeming sacrifice,           

And washes me whiter than the snow.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please grant us a better understanding and appreciation of the sacrifice of your Son, our Saviour. AMEN