Encourage one another

Though not an avid watcher of the 2024 Olympics, I am interested in how Team GB is getting on in the various categories. There have surprises and disappointments, especially for any contestant who has trained hard but failed to meet their personal expectations.

On social media, there are lots of “thumbs up” for those who have won medals, but I have been especially pleased to see the positive responses and comments to those who have not achieved what may have been their dream. These positive comments reminded me of the phrase at the head of this contribution and should be a reminder to us all to express our appreciation and encouragement, as appropriate.  I recall the surprise expressed by a lady (who was responsible for maintaining.the church building) when presented with a bouquet of flowers as a “Thank you”. Her response, “But I am paid to do this!”

Today’s phrase is part of a chapter in 1 Thessalonians 5 and extracted from verse 11. Because that verse starts with “Therefore” it is necessary to consider at least the preceding verse. So the context is as follows – 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Some years ago, at the end of a service, at which I had been playing, a man approached and said, “I enjoy your style of playing. I am not saying you are better than the others, just that I like the way you play”. Reflecting on that comment, I appreciated that nothing he said should make me proud, but was certainly an encouragement.

Another comment from years ago was, “It is alright to accept the bouquet of flowers, so long as the fragrance goes to God”.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please help us to encourage others with honest comments and if and when received to accept with humility and gratitude. AMEN