
In our Bible Study group recently we were discussing how the Psalms help us to experience God “as close as touch, yet simultaneously so far away as one might wonder if he existed at all.”

Steve Chalke, who is a prominent Christian commentator, and is often speaking on the radio, spoke about Mother Theresa’s experience of God. All of us were surprised at what he said, which was taken from her diaries and letters, published after her death.

Theresa remembers, very clearly hearing God’s voice, telling her “to go to the streets.” The thing that surprised us was what she says happened next.

Almost from the moment she arrived, the sense of God’s presence utterly deserted her. This was a woman who is often quoted as one of the most faithful Christians of the modern era. Her letters were written over 40 years and they all tell the same story. In that whole time, she never felt God’s presence with her.

When she died, her order wanted to destroy her letters, fearing they displayed her lack of faith. However, the Vatican refused this request and they were published, because what they demonstrated in fact, was real FAITHFULNESS.

Steve Chalk says, Mother Theresa didn’t have faith as an emotion, a warm glow. She had faithfulness, by which she understood that despite her lack of faith, she recognised that she was totally dependent on God’s faithfulness to her, whether or not she could feel God’s presence.

God is faithful to us, he keeps every promise to us, whether we feel him close or not.

It doesn’t matter whether we sense God’s presence or not, if we are faithful to his calling, his purpose for us, then we bear much fruit for him.

Prayer: Faithful God, forgive us our lack of faith. Help us to be firm in the confidence that even when we waver and wobble, you are ever faithful. Help us to live faithful lives of service to you, in the knowledge that you are with us in everything we think and say and do. We thank you for people like Mother Theresa who demonstrate in all that they are fruitful and faithful lives. AMEN