Are you lonely? Some people enjoy solitude, being alone doesn’t always mean feeling lonely. Loneliness is the distress, some have called it ‘social pain’, that comes from a perceived gap between desired social interaction and one’s experiences of it. It can lead on to other mental health issues : depression, anxiety, paranoia. Loneliness is often marked by feelings of isolation and is perceived as an involuntary separation, rejection or abandonment by other people.
A 2020/21 Government survey in England, found that 6% (3 million) people said that they often or always felt lonely and the numbers were highest (11%) among 16-24 year olds. Even with internet technology and mobile phones giving people 24 hour access to others, all day and night TV and radio, helplines and seemingly more awareness, the gap between the amount of contact with others people desire and what they receive seems to be growing.
11th July is National ‘Cheer up the Lonely’ Day in which we are urged to contact those we know who need a little extra love and attention. Although just a visit would be ideal, other suggestions are to deliver spare magazines, read a book out loud , watch a movie and eat popcorn, set up a playlist, mail a card, email funny jokes, play a board game or go for a walk with someone struggling with loneliness.
We weren’t made to be alone. When God made Adam, He made a companion for Him. When He flooded the world, He instructed Noah to rescue the animals in pairs, Jesus choose 12 close friends and sent His disciples out in twos. Even on the cross, Jesus told John to look after his mother and Mary to look after John.
It’s easy to write that God is there for you, but people – even God’s people- through the centuries, have felt abandoned and alone – Joseph, king David, Elijah, even Jesus on the cross – the Psalms are also full of examples. Although life circumstances and health issues may mean we can’t be with people face to face, or maybe even have a conversation, God is closer than a breath. Talk to Him anytime. He is waiting for your call. Though you may feel rejected and abandoned, He loves you, likes You and delights in your company. You never need to feel alone.
James 4:8 “Come near to God and He will come near to you.”