
When I was at school one of my friends lived on a farm in the middle of Dartmoor. I often used to go and spend the weekend at her house. As I lived on the edge of the city, I found the complete darkness at night quite spooky, and waking up to find a cow staring at me through the window was even more strange!

One occasion I happened to be staying there was when some of the cows were calving, and I was invited to join my friend and her dad as they helped the mother deliver her calf. My friend’s dad was about 5 foot tall, with a ruddy complexion and a body shape that reflected his appreciation of good hearty meals. He also had the biggest and most calloused hands I have ever seen.

We went out into the barn area where the cow was and watched as the farmer felt for the unborn calf’s legs and positioned them in the best place for a safe delivery. Ropes were fitted round the calf’s ankles and we all pulled under the farmer’s instructions.

Happily, the calf was safely delivered and the farmer gently cleaned away its mouth and nostrils and encouraged mother and calf to bond.

Gentleness is not some weak simpering emotion; it can be dirty and calloused. It can be strong and confident.

Jesus was gentle, he cared for the blind, the lame, the marginalised, and he was unafraid to speak out forcefully on their behalf, to challenge authority and fight injustice.

Prayer: Gentle Jesus, may we be willing to care for the vulnerable, to speak up against injustice, to be strong and courageous in our actions to help those in need. AMEN