
Having read the TFTD of 19th June I was inspired to continue on with the theme of the fruits of the Spirit. This is my local take on generosity.

I was made acutely aware of the generosity of so many people last weekend. A year ago I, foolishly, offered to host my son’s wedding celebration in our back garden. Any of you who have had the pleasure of being part of a wedding planning will know that the numbers frequently escalate!

We had caterers sorted for the meal, but I was asked if I could ask local  “WI type” friends if they would be willing to provide some cake for dessert. I’m not a member of WI, but friends at church stepped up to the challenge.

The preparations continued and gathered momentum, and the day before there was a continual procession of friends from Elmsett Methodist and beyond bearing plates of delicious cakes. All 140 guests were able to sample a whole host of different cakes – Bake Off has nothing on us! At the end of the evening (or rather the early hours of next morning) there were just one or two lonely slices of cake left.

It is wonderful when we ask God if He will provide, He then calls up people of faithful and generous hearts to do his work. And indeed he provides so much more than we need or ask for!

(PS the cake in the photo was baked and assembled by the bride’s mother!)

Prayer: Generous a loving Father, thank you that you provide all that we need and so much more. Thank you that you call us in so many ways, to serve with cheerful and generous hearts. Help us to respond when the opportunity arises to serve others in turn. AMEN