Have a nice day!

I was there watching when your alarm went off this morning. I saw you hit the snooze button and wondered if you might remember me as you scrolled through the appointments and activities you planned for the day. But I guess your mind was full of other things. I saw you hurriedly jump out of bed, snatch your clothes and run to the bathroom. Maybe in the solitary moments of the shower, doing teeth and hair you might spare a moment to talk to me about your plans or thank me for something good that happened yesterday.

I waited again. As you ran around the house packing your bag, I predicted there would be a few minutes in which you might stop and check in with me. There were some minutes when you sat and I was hopeful… but you opened up your phone to text a friend and check facebook. I watched as you were at work.

Even at teabreaks and lulls in the tasks you had to do, I hoped that maybe you would speak to me. I waited patiently while you Wordled and Tick tocked. Before lunch you looked around and my hopes were lifted, maybe you would utter a silent prayer in thanks for your food, but no. That’s OK, there is still more time left. I have hope you will talk to me.  Yet you went home and it seems you have many important things to do.

After some were done, you turned on the TV – you seem to watch anything on offer- or just use it as background noise – anything it seems that blocks out the silence.

I waited as you ate your meal and watched TV. You conversed with your family, did some chores, read some reviews. Bedtime came. I guess you were too tired. You flopped into bed, I thought maybe in just those moments before sleep enveloped your consciousness you might bring to mind a few things you were grateful for or just wanted to off load to me…but you fell asleep in no time.

It’s Ok. You may not realise that I am always here for you. I’ve got patience more than you will ever know. I want to teach you how to be patient with others as well. I love you so much that I will wait every day for a nod, a prayer, thought or thankful part of your heart – with or without words.

It’s hard to have a one sided conversation. Every day is a new day when I will wait for you to come to me. However long it goes on, whatever you do or don’t do, my love for you remains constant and strong. I delight in you.

Have a nice day!     Love, God