Good People

The daily bible readings recommended this week (see the centre of the Methodist Prayer Handbook if you have it) are from the book of Ruth. The overall theme for the week is ‘Faith in Providence.’ There are many interwoven themes in Ruth but that of Providence runs through the book. Providence means different things in different circumstances but overall, it is about meeting a need.

In the years before lockdown in 2020 I made several work-related trips to China. I have made friends there who I have not seen in person since then, and in most cases I am not likely to be in the same place as them again either. Recently the man in the picture, who we know as Fred, retired. Several of us joined a gathering over the internet and whilst we missed out on the camaraderie and inevitably lovely food, we could get something of the atmosphere. Fred was one who gave a lot to our business in China and improved many people’s working environment.

A common theme from those of us joining from England and Australia was of gratitude to Fred for looking after us when we visited his country. He made sure our travel plans worked out as intended, helped us chose the right thing to eat and in a couple of cases, gave lessons in the use of chopsticks. That may not be the sort of thing you see as providence, but I do. To be far from home, daunted by airport signs in mandarin, and unsure of the food and culture is a bit scary. A smiling face, adequate English and to be taken in hand confidently is reassuring, believe me! Fred did far more than his job required of him.

A prayer

God of Ruth and all providential love, you care for us and provide for us in so many unexpected ways. Help us not to cease to acknowledge your compassion and care nor to point them out to others. We pray that you will continue to be there when we are feeling daunted by scary situations and grateful to those who are your agents, even if they are unaware of how much they have done. Amen.