Chicken or swan?

When it was my birthday recently, small granddaughter rushed to meet me at the door, ‘Grandma, Grandma, I’ve got a card for you!’ she shouted, her eyes flashing with excitement and her hand waving a large pink envelope.

‘Wow!’ I gasped as if I’d never seen a card before,’ What’s this?’

‘It’s a CARD Grandma!’

I tried to build up the suspense. ‘For me?’ I said as she shoved it unceremonially into my hand.

‘Open it Grandma!’ Again, I tried to extend the moment.

‘I wonder what the picture is?’

‘A chicken, Grandma’

‘A chicken?’

She nodded vigorously.

I tore off the pink envelope.

It was a swan.

Swans represent beauty, purity, grace. In folklore, Swans are other worldly and involve transformation and betterment.  But chickens? Chickens are earth bound and humble, run of the mill, common place. Is this how she sees me?  Stories of Little Red Hen show how everyone should do their part and not expect the poor old hen to do everything. Henny Penny, afraid that the sky was falling and allowing all the other birds to follow her misinterpretation of the situation. I’m not sure I want to be associated with these stories. However, she does cleverly and courageously out trick the Sly Fox in another story and chicken soup, although that would entail some degree of sacrifice, is seen as the traditional remedy for just about every physical, mental and emotional ailment known to mankind.

The ugly duckling was happy to be transformed into a beautiful swan, I don’t think if he woke up as a brown common place chicken he would have felt the same. Swans however can be aggressive and spit, whereas hens are safe for children to feed and pet. Looks can be deceiving.

In the Bible, swans are mentioned once – in the list of birds (Leviticus 11:18) not to be eaten by the Israelites as they were an abomination. They protect their young by attacking whatever they perceive as a threat. Jesus says in Matthew 23:37, that He wanted to gather His people to Himself just like a hen who gently and completely protects her chicks from threats by hiding them safely under her wings.

That’s good enough for me.

Lord Jesus,

Make me humble and useful for You. Help me to provide and care for those hurting and in need. Help me to gently comfort and protect others. Help me not to compare myself with others but to be content with who I am and how You have made me, knowing that You love me unconditionally. Let me be happy to be a chicken. Amen