
I was recently preaching at Chelmondiston Methodist Church. It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to cycle from Elmsett, a distance of about 17 miles. All went well. The theme of the Service was prayer, and particularly, Jesus’ prayer for protection for his disciples. As part of the illustration I used various images which included one of a cycle helmet, a hi vis jacket, a Covid mask, and a bottle of sun cream. The common theme was that they all give us protection.

Having expanded on this theme, the act of worship concluded and I set off for my return journey. I was about 1 mile from home when I collided with a car, and found myself somewhat dazed on the ground, with a bloody face and a very painful arm. Several hours later my face was patched up and the fractured arm plastered all the way up.

As I have had time to reflect on this…. I can most comfortably sit at my desk, and one finger typing with my left hand, (apologies for any typos), this episode illustrates what I was thinking when preaching earlier on Sunday.

We wear cycle helmets to give us protection, but they do not prevent us falling off our bikes. I am so grateful to all those who came to my aid, and for the staff at the hospital, but I am especially grateful to God, (and my cycle helmet), that I am alive to tell the tale.

God gives us protection. He does not guarantee that we will not stumble and fall, or that we will not suffer. He walks with us on that journey, and unlike my cycle helmet which now needs to be replaced, God never needs replacing. He is ever faithful, ever true.

Prayer: Loving God, thank you that you promise us protection, whatever we are facing. Thank you that you travel alongside us in our troubles. Thank you that your protection is forever. Keep us safe and may have the confidence to know you are there beside us. AMEN