You may remember a few weeks ago, I wrote about a recent incident when my ‘daughter-in -law’ was taken into A&E. I recounted the reactions of the older two grandchildren which ranged from mild hysteria to laid back detachment. So, what about the youngest? How did she react?
When I arrived, she ran into my arms, bemused that I was in her home first thing in the morning, seemingly oblivious to the chaos going on around her.
After initially greeting her, and noting that she was dressed and had eaten breakfast, my attention was taken by the other two who needed my attention. I left her to her own devices while Mummy was escorted to hospital by the paramedics, big sister was calmed and prepared for school and big brother was detached from his tablet in the hunt for his school clothes.
When I finally turned to her, thinking I would need to put her coat on and get her in the buggy ready for the school run, to my surprise, there she was, coat on, strapped into the pushchair ready to go. She knew the routine and had sorted it herself!
Jesus commends the innocence of children. Sometimes it’s better not to know too much about what could happen and just live in the present. Let’s resolve to do our bit and leave the rest to God rather than worry about what might happen.