Going it alone

I can still remember the day way back in March 1976 when I passed my driving test, the day was the fulfilment of my dream to be able to drive a car, I’d had my first lesson in my Dad’s three wheeler Reliant Regal Supervan iii which looking back was a bit of a grand title for the vehicle, it was “super” because it had luxurious extras like sun visors, wheel trims, a back seat, metallic paintwork and best of all, a pair of spotlights!  I had longed for the day when I was an independent man and would be able to drive to places instead of walking, cycling, or taking the bus and that day in March seventy-six was the fulfilment of my dream.  I had woken that morning and tried to convince myself that it didn’t matter whether I passed or failed, but it did, it mattered a great deal, I could drive before that day in March, but I had to have an experienced driver sitting alongside me, now, a piece of paper made all the difference, I was now licenced to go it alone.

Thursday 9th May 2024 was Ascension Day, one of the Christian festivals that often gets overlooked, particularly for people outside the Church community, but I believe that it marks one of the significant events in the Gospel story.  As I went out in the car for the first time on my own, flying solo, I felt vulnerable, up until this point, I had always had an experienced driver sitting alongside me, who could bale me out if I got things wrong, but now, I was alone, I was responsible for my own actions, I couldn’t blame anyone else, I couldn’t turn to somebody at times of need, I was now in charge of my own destiny and I couldn’t hide behind anyone else.  I have experienced that feeling so many times since as I’ve been trained for different aspects of work and life in general and that moment when I go it alone always makes me feel vulnerable.

The disciples had spent three years being trained by Jesus for one of the most important work in the history of humankind, the future of the work Christ had established was now on their shoulders, they had witnessed the events of Holy Week, they had experienced the times with the risen Christ, and now on this day, Jesus leaves them for once and for all, they stand and watch him ascend into heaven, and they are on their own. The responsibility is now on their shoulders, their days with him are gone, now, they need to do all that he had taught them.