
The saga of our road closure continues, (see TFTD 4/3/24 & 18/4/24). One of the up sides of this is that I am, hopefully getting fitter as I walk into Hadleigh along a traffic free road. On my way back home, on the day of writing, I came across a sorry sight. There were binbags containing rubbish discarded at the side of the field, metres away from the main road and the route to our local council recycling tip. A few metres on was another example of rubbish, however this one was a much more positive example – an old wheelbarrow with flat tyre, but planted out with beautiful spring bulbs and flowers.

This got me thinking as I continued on my way, whilst dodging the rain showers, how do we deal with our rubbish?

There is the very real issue of climate change and use of plastics etc – do we discard without thinking or do we recycle, or even upcycle and repurpose?

But I was thinking more about the rubbish we all collect within ourselves and our lives.

Do we collect the rubbish and discard it without a thought for the impact on others? Are we sometimes “lazy” not wanting to make the effort to dispose of the rubbish in our lives appropriately, taking the “easy” way out?

Or do we transform something that is “rubbish” into something that is beautiful, not only for ourselves but for others who pass in our lives?

Prayer: Creator God, forgive me when I prefer to take the quick and easy route, despite knowing it is not the way you want for me. Help me to use my gifts, to transform what I no longer find useful into something that displays your beauty. AMEN