Joan’s Jottings for 26th March

Dear Siblings in Christ.

While so many are stuck indoors, I am grateful that the sun is shining as we look out of the windows. For my exercise yesterday, I took a walk to the Rushmere Heath and the gorse is blooming, and it was beautiful. In amidst the difficulties we are facing, there are many beautiful moments. Look for them and enjoy them and give thanks.

Here’s a list Daily Quarantine Questions that I came across. Author unknown.

  1. What am I GRATEFUL for today?
  3. What expectations of ‘normal’ am I LETTING GO OF today?
  4. How am I GETTING OUTSIDE today?
  5. How am I MOVING MY BODY today?
  6. What BEAUTY am I either creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?

I have also been blessed by the Thoughts for the Day we have had published on this website each morning.

Rev. Ruth Gee who preached at Museum Street just two weeks ago at the Anniversary Service, put this message of hope out yesterday.

Scratched on the walls of a cellar in Cologne, Germany by a Jew hiding from Nazi persecution were these words: I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining. I believe in love even when I don’t feel it. I believe in God even when God is silent. Listen to a beautiful recording of I Believe written by a United Methodist Church musician, Mark Miller.

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.