Crossing rivers

Our holiday in the Lake District in the Autumn of 2020 was memorable. It was very wet. While we were there the Prime Minister announced the second lockdown which started. But we were heartily thankful to be able to get away at all.

On a walk up the Copper Mines Valley to Levers Water we came to the stream is usually easy to cross to reach an alternative path down. Instead of the anticipated scene we found the torrent in the picture. It was both beautiful and dangerous and we decided not to be heroic.

In today’s reading from Joshua (3:1-17) the Israelites must cross the Jordan. The crossing of the Jordan is a feature of the stories of the Old Testament. In the New Testament a river stands at the heart of the New Jerusalem. Crossing the river is also a metaphor for death.

Recent conversations with younger relations reminded me of the choppy waters of career and life choices. The risks that lurk if one puts a foot in the wrong place are set against not being able to stand still for fear of being engulfed and knocked over.

The Israelites were safe when they crossed into the Promised Land because the presence of God went with them. The Priests stood in the river which miraculously stopped its flow. A miracle of timing and knowledge of the occurrence of a unique geological occurrence. Their safety was assured because God had called the people to be where they were; the same would not have been true had we stepped into Cumbrian beck in full and angry spate.

A Prayer:

God of guidance and safety, as we come to important, bewildering, and dangerous moments in life and things are in full flood around us, help us to know when to step out and where to place our feet. May we be cautious when caution is due but adventurous when that is your Call. Thank you for your care a protection, for vision and energy and for the grace to trust you always. Amen.