
I’ve just returned home from the final Mothers and Toddlers meeting for the year – the Christmas Party. Our little ones watched puppets telling the Nativity story, had a lovely selection of finger foods to eat and sang Christmas songs.

They had done a mini tour of the Church looking at the various Christmas displays and lights. It had been a long afternoon. Then they were told to wait and listen….. Footsteps could be heard approaching…… A knock at the door….

The handle turned and in came…. Father Christmas! Some scrambled onto a grown-up’s lap or hid behind a parent. Some of the older ones ran towards him expectantly.  He sat down and opened his sack.

Grand daughter eyed him up and down suspiciously. Cautiously she stepped forward. He took a package out of his sack and read the name. The child approached and took the present.  More rustling of paper, digging deep into the sack, reading the name, repeating the name, child united with gift and so on….  Grand daughter stood in silence. Right in front of Santa. Questioning his familiarity – not sure whether she recognised the voice behind the beard, the body under the costume. What was the true identity of this stranger bringing gifts?  More minutes, more gifts, more discarded wrapping paper.

Father Christmas was digging deeper and deeper into his sack. There were fewer and fewer presents left. Still she waited. Absolutely focused on him, showing no interest in the claps and smiles and hoops of delight as children tore off wrappings.

Then her name was called. I saw her register it but stay immobile, pause just for a moment, then she leapt forward, taking the gift handed out to her. She glanced at the name sticker on it and ran her finger across the letters. “Mine!” she whispered. I caught her smile and sigh as she held it to her heart. “Mine!”

She ran over to where I was sitting and looked up into my eyes, ”Mine!” she declared.

I was reminded of the verse in the Calypso carol that goes:

“Mine are riches from Your poverty,

From Your innocence, eternity;

Mine, forgiveness by Your death for me;

Child of sorrow for my joy.”

We have waited through advent, for God’s gift of Jesus for us. Jesus is personal, for you, He has Your name on. Now you can claim the riches of forgiveness and eternity because He came to die and save you. Grand daughter can’t read the words – she had to take it on trust that this was for her. She didn’t know why she was being given this gift all she needed to know was that it was free for her to accept. That’s the true meaning of Christmas.