Making way for the new

Forty one years ago, as a recently married couple, my husband and I decided to buy an artificial tree for our first Christmas together. It cost us £29.99 and we were worried about the amount we had spent, but our tree is unpacked each year and is as good as the day we bought it.

The decorations I use are ones I’ve been gathering up over the 41 years and are precious to me so I find it very hard to bin any but needs must. This year any decorations which had lost their ties or were damaged were binned. Of course this allowed me to get a couple of new ones. One of these was bought in Northern Ireland in May when we had returned home to visit family and friends. It’s a bauble of my home city of Belfast.

In order to have room in our lives for new things we need to get rid of some of the old damaged things which are holding us in the past. It may be difficult but we need to try and with God’s help we can move on to newer ways of life.

Thank you Lord that with your strength and guidance we can move forward.