
The latter part of the prophesy of Isaiah is directed to a nation returned from exile to their own country but still sometimes inclined to indifference. Indifference is fuelled by boredom and over familiarity amongst other things. Today’s passage from Chapter sixty-two (Isaiah 62:1-12) starts, ‘I will not keep silent’.

I have attended many concerts over the years; reflecting on them I realise that while musical accuracy is important, a truly memorable experience comes when the atmosphere is full of energy, it is electric with enthusiasm and that electricity drives the emotions of the audience as connections are made with performers in inexplicable ways.

Christmas is almost here. For children, and all of us who are children at heart, the air will increase in electrical charge as energy levels grow almost to bursting point. It is an exceedingly rare child who sleeps in on December 25th and some of us who are mature may not fare much better.

If you are in church on Christmas eve or Christmas day, will you exude energy and will you find it there? Wherever we encounter God, the place is full of crackling energy – or it should be – unless we have got a bit indifferent like the folk on the receiving end of Isaiah’s preaching. In another place, (Colossians 3:23) Saint Paul wrote, ‘whatever you do, do it with all your heart’.

Encountering God and being filled with his energy is not dependent on age, money, or health. I remember visiting an uncle who used to be beaming with the love of Christ when he was bedridden, elderly and in pain.

Have a happy, energy filled and blessed Christmas.

A Prayer

Lord Jesus, when I meet you if I have gone off the boil and seem indifferent, may your spark reenergise me again and may your love flow through me to all those I meet, not just this Christmas but always.
