Back off Grandma!

For about six months now, I’ve been taking my granddaughter to Mothers and toddlers on a Wednesday afternoon. I remember the first time we went through the doors of the hall and I tried to get her to come out of the security of her buggy. She shook her head vigorously and turned with her back to me. I undid her straps that held her safely in place. She frowned and did them back up. She resolutely crossed her arms. The pout was on. No way was she moving! I showed her various toys and activities that were on offer. She showed a bit of interest but if I attempted to get her out of the familiar buggy, she was having none of it. After a few minutes of gentle persuasion and cajoling, I decided definitive action was called for. I knew she would enjoy the experience once she took the plunge. I released her, swooped her out (as she screamed protests) and took her to the colouring table – an activity I knew she loved doing at home – where there were no other children at the time so we could share intimate time together with our backs to the rest of the world.

Well, as regular readers will know, we’ve come a long way since then. This week, I attempted to accompany her as she fed a dolly some food in the Wendy House, but she wasn’t having any of that! She took me by the hand and led me to an empty seat in the semi-circle of chairs set out for mothers and other accompanying adults to sit on. She dropped my hand and firmly patted the chosen seat ‘There, Grandma!’  I’d been told! Back off Grandma – you in your small corner and I in mine!

It’s great to see how much her confidence and independence has grown but it’s coupled with a sense of being side lined and increasingly redundant!

I wonder if that’s how John the Baptist felt when Jesus appeared on the scene. He had known it would happen –he had said it would happen and he wanted it to happen. His job was to prepare the way for the Messiah and once Jesus’ ministry began, John met an untimely end.

Circumstances change and our roles change along with them. It maybe that your role or position in your family or even Church family is different to where you were last Christmas.

Heavenly Father,

Whatever changes affect us in our lives and the lives of those around us, give us the grace to adapt and seek out Your Will. Thank You that there is work for everyone in Your Kingdom and that all are equally valued.  Amen