Advent 1 – Treasure or trash?

The Methodist Church has produced resources for Advent entitled “Out of the Ordinary” and Advent 1 centres around a box of Christmas decorations.

In our house the Christmas tree generally doesn’t go up until the weekend before Christmas. There is that moment when you get the box or bag of Christmas decorations out. Ours is stuffed under the sink in our utility room. I’m probably not the only person that finds, on opening the box or bag, that Christmas has come early for small furry four-legged friends! And then there is the moment of truth, whether the Christmas lights work this year and if they don’t which bulb is it that has gone? Or perhaps batteries left over from last year are flat, or worse still have leeched acid out into the switching mechanism of the lights. I’ve experienced all of these!

These problems are nothing and completely trivial compared to those problems facing people all over the world.

We are asked to think about how “God births new things in the midst of turmoil and turbulence.”

At the time of writing Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the UK, has brought out the Autumn Financial Statement tinkering with National Insurance but continuing with increased Income Tax. Many people are forced into using Foodbanks, even though they are in work, or perhaps having to live cramped into substandard accommodation.

Israel and Gaza are attempting to hold a temporary ceasefire in the fighting so that hostages can be released, so that prisoners can be freed, so that food and fuel can reach areas of devastation.

In amongst this turmoil and turbulence do we see new birth.  We see people willing to volunteer at food banks and charities. We see families reunited, some after many years apart.

We pray for new birth of compassion for the poor and destitute. We pray for new birth of a permanent peace in all areas of the world affected by war. We pray for new birth of treasure and not trash, as we look at our own lives and let go of those things that are trivial and hold onto the treasure of new life through you. AMEN