Walking in the snow…

The temperature has dropped and we have been given warnings of snowfalls on their way. I love to look at snow and all the beautiful patterns which it makes. Another of God’s wonderful creations. It’s so clean and bright and white but in my mind it’s treacherous. I’m terrified of walking in the snow when it’s really slippery and so I tense up and try to be very careful and also if there’s a hedge or wall, I’ll hold on to them. I haven’t got the courage to just walk naturally. A few years ago, I bought strap-on grippers which work quite well.

Is our faith like my fear of walking in the snow? Are we scared to take a step forward in case we slide and fall? Is it all a bit of a challenge or do we have faith to step out bravely, knowing that if we do fall our Lord is ready to pick us up again.

Thank You Lord for giving us faith to walk with You.