
The photo which accompanies this article is of a Cyclamen in my garden. The pot which it was in had somehow got hidden underneath an old table and I thought the plant had died as basically there was only the bulb remaining. I eventually brought it out into the open and decided to give it another chance. With some new compost my “dead” plant came back to life and I think it’s amazing. I can’t count the number of blooms on it. Obviously it had only been resting and just needed to be awakened.

Are some people like my plant? Are they hiding in the shade just needing someone to bring them into the open and encourage them to bloom. Many folk hide away until someone does this for them, So many skills and talents are waiting for someone to say “Can you help?” or “Would you like to be involved?”

Do you know anyone who might like to be asked to help? If so, extend the hand of friendship before it’s too late and see how, with God’s help, that person blooms.