
Just after the recent flooding in Framlingham, as householders we received a standard e-mail from the company responsible for our drains. One provider sells us water while another company charges us to take it away again, (after we have washed in it or processed it through our systems.) Run off water from our properties goes into the drains as well.

A couple of days after our flood we could have related to the verse from ‘The tale of the Ancient Mariner’ which runs:

Water, water, everywhere,

Nor any drop to drink.

We did have plenty to drink but the issue is real. The point of the email was to say that if we were flooded, then it may be the responsibility of Environment Agency, responsible for the river; or the Council or Highways if the road were to be the problem. If the sewer fails, then the water company will try to help. The motivation for the message was probably intended to be helpful but even as I sensed a wish to avoid litigation, I reprimanded myself for my cynicism.

In the event, such help as people along the road from us have received and are receiving came from insurance companies or the pulling together of local organisations at a time of need. The local ‘Hour Community’ charity and the Town Council have done a great deal. Individuals too have been phenomenal.

There is a broader dilemma though. Trying to work out whose water is in someone’s sitting room misses the bigger challenges of life changing weather events. It would be better to focus on future proofing so beleaguered householder and business customers of any given water company do not have to be patient while they look for other accommodation.

A Prayer

God who gave your Son to atone for the sins of us all, help us to let go of blame apportionment and instead to focus on an assured future. Just as you have purchased eternal life for us all by dying for us so too may we look to you for wisdom to build more assured futures on earth while we camp here. For Jesus’s sake, Amen.