Which way is best?

I have been visiting a dear friend who has been in Ipswich hospital for some time, and each time I go, I wonder which is the best route from Elmsett to Ipswich hospital.

What is the definition of best? Quickest? Shortest? Less traffic?

My decision is often influenced by things like the time of day – “rush hour”, or the weather – will the Orwell bridge be open or closed? Can I combine my trip with any other reason to go to Ipswich? (One route conveniently takes me past Waitrose/John Lewis!)

No doubt readers from the locality will all have their favourite route, dependent on past experience amongst other things.

Having gone on one route, do I return the same way or try a different route?

On one such visit, during the recent bad weather, I decided not to try the Orwell Bridge, but to go through the centre of Ipswich. My Sat Nav told me it was the shortest route, but not necessarily the quickest. When I arrived, there were some other people visiting my friend, and they had got held up at major roadworks on the ring road around Ipswich, delaying them by nearly 30 minutes.

In our faith we often are unsure which direction to follow. There may be times when we want to take the shortest route, or the quickest route. There may be times when others warn us of potential pitfalls along the way. There may be external factors that influence our choices.

However, the ultimate goal is the same – to draw closer to God, however we get there.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to see the ultimate destination, and be with us on life’s journey as we travel along. Help us to drive safely, so that we arrive ready to spend time and meet with you. AMEN.