
Sometimes, I start writing a Thought for the Day and for whatever reason, it doesn’t quite get finished. Interestingly, one of those was one that I began writing back in May when we were approaching our first wedding anniversary and I was recalling all of the changes that wonderful day brought with it. New house, new job, new routines galore. The bible passage that I was reminded of was the first 8 verses of Ecclesiastes 3, that there is a time for everything: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”.

As we entered 2023, I tongue in cheek said to Sam that I was looking forward to a year of no major life changes to adjust to. I certainly didn’t anticipate that I would be preparing to start a new job less than 18 months after starting the one I had relocated to. I knew that this opportunity was too good to miss, being able to combine my skills and expertise from my degree studies with those that I have developed over the last few years to take the next step in my career.

Sam and I are very much planners. We find comfort in knowing what to expect in both the short and longer term but are aware that this is not always something we can control. We didn’t set out to have all the changes at once following our wedding, but that was the way it worked out. It’s an important reminder that we are not the only ones invested in planning our future. The more we follow God’s guidance, the more we can see His plan, and what has been set out for us.

Had I not been considering a new job, I may have never seen the advert for the role I’m going into, which is one that I’ve been wanting to look into for a few years, but without gaining all the experience I have done over my previous roles, I would not have been in as much of a strong position to move.

Some of the verses in Ecclesiastes remind us that everything really does mean everything. It’s very easy to trust in God’s plan when life feels great, or when all the outcomes we wanted are dropping into place, but how easy is it to do when we’re reminded that there’s a time for difficult things too? Our difficult days look different for everyone, but we all have them. Perhaps you’re reminded of a particular moment when it was difficult to see God’s plan in a situation, perhaps not, but either way, it’s certainly not always plain sailing.

I began this thought remarking that I initially started writing a similar unfinished thought for the day as we were approaching our first wedding anniversary back in May, when I was recalling a whole run of wonderful milestones we’d hit in quick succession. However, at that time, difficult things came too. To move into my new house meant leaving gorgeous Suffolk and my family behind, which perhaps 18 months on is time to admit it was in itself one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but with massive reward. In May I was starting to reflect on all the wonderful things, but at this point, I’ve encountered change for some more difficult reasons, far from intending to change job so soon.

We can’t know what’s ahead for us. I’d love a conversation with anyone who doesn’t at any point get a little bit scared by that. Most of the time, it can be exciting to see things as they pan out and trust in His plan, but it’s also okay to not really know what on earth is about to come next. My aim is to not get stuck in that headspace.

A prayer:

Ever-knowing God, we thank you that your plans for us span far beyond what we can ever comprehend. Help us to trust in you and guide us when we are unable to see what you have ahead of us.
