Cat in a box

This thought was first published on 12th October 2021

While reading my paper last weekend I came across the picture of a cute cat looking out from a cardboard box. Nothing unusual in that you might think, but the caption with it said:

I don’t care how big the new garden is.
I don’t care how close to the local school we are.
I don’t care how many rooms there are.
I just want a nice big window to watch the birds.

What a lovely simple thing to think about. I wonder how many of us would like to, or even are able to, just sit and look out of the window at God’s creation.

It reminds me that we all ought to be doing more of this most days to enable us to cope with things around us.

Remember Jesus needing to go to the hills with his disciples to get away from the crowds.

Let’s just stand or sit and look around us for a few minutes each day – or longer if we can – to appreciate all we have.

I think we can then thank God for everything and have a good day.